Revision History
Version 3.5.1 (September 10, 2023)
- Fixed a typo in the English translation. Special thanks to
Thomas Takach for letting me know.
- Multiple internal efficiently improvements.
Version 3.5 (August 8, 2023)
- Source Code Viewer:
- AutoHotKey Programming Language was added. This is a simple, yet eloquent, scripting
language used for application automation.
- Groovy Programming Language was added. This scripting language was developed by
- Excel VBA was added. The generated code is designed to work with
Excel Visual Basic for Applications.
- Auto Pseudocode was improved.
- Generated code now supports negated expressions using DeMorgan's
Law. It will result in far more eloquent generated code for
languages that have a Do-Loop that either breaks or uses Until. This
includes: AppleScript, AutoHotKey, Bash, Groovy, Lua, MATLAB,
Nim, Python, and Transact-SQL.
- The icon used for Auto Pseudocode was updated to match the
"Change Translation" button on the main menu. So, now it emphasizes
the code is based on the current world language.
- The size of the buffer, used in the Turtle Graphics Window, can be changed in
the Windows Registry.
- Bug Fixes:
- If a shape caused an error when Run was clicked (i.e. the shape is
incomplete), the system wasn't ensuring the shape was visible.
- There was a mistake in the Italian translation. "Output" was
displayed if no newline was use. Special thanks to Roberto Novara
for letting me know.
- The Or Operator, in Bash Generated Code, wasn't displaying
- The Source Code Viewer language drop-down menu occasionally rendered
incorrect on
right-to-left languages such as Hebrew, Persian (Farsi), and Arabic.
- The Source Code Viewer language drop-down menu wasn't updating
the button colors if the color scheme was changed (while the Source
Code Viewer was open).
Version 3.4.2 (March 12, 2023)
- Flowgorithm can now read files that contain extended Unicode
characters (e.g. emojis). Beforehand, the system would raise an error.
- The Kotlin Programming Language is now supported by the Source Code
- The language icons used in the Source Code Viewer were improved. In
particular, they shouldn't be "cut off" on the bottom.
- Made some changes to Java generated code.
- Bug fixes:
- Source Code Viewer wasn't converting the
expressions on Write Shapes.
- In the Source Code Viewer, if a custom program template was
loaded, the screen wasn't being updated (until the window was resized).
- C# generated code, in the Source Code Viewer, used the wrong data type name for Boolean.
Version 3.4.1 (January 9, 2023)
- The Auto Layout will only resize the Main Editor Window if (a)
there are more than one open window or (b) a window closes.
Beforehand, it would resize the main window anytime the program was
- Bug fixes:
- Sometimes the application was interpreting a number
incorrectly on different cultural settings (using a comma rather
than a period to represent the decimal point). The system is now
locked completely into the computer science period notation.
- The Console Window was causing a crash if minimized.
Version 3.4 (January 5, 2023)
- Console Window was cosmetically improved.
- The 'Enter' button is now smaller and contains a mouse-over
- The bottom input box and button will now appear correctly on the right-to-left languages.
- The contextual pop-up menus (such as the Add Shape Menu) were
improved. Before, when the pop-ups were deselected, the main window
would drop in the Z-Order.
- Multiple monitors
- When using multiple monitors (with an extended desktop), the pop-up
menus (Add Shape, Copy, etc....) will now appear on the correct monitor.
- The Auto Layout feature will select the monitor that contains the
main window. The other windows should now resize properly to it.
- Colors
- Added an "Apply Color Scheme to All Windows" button to the main toolbar
and the main menu. This will allow users to quickly toggle between these
two options.
- The toolbar icons used to represent colors were updated.
- The file icons for color schemes were also updated.
- A "local clipboard" was added. Beforehand, the system always used the
Windows clipboard. Unfortunately, through emulation, it doesn't always
work. So, the local clipboard will be used in this case. This is
invisible to users.
- Flowgorithm can now read files that contain extended Unicode
characters (e.g. emojis). Beforehand, the system would raise an error.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug in the Source Code Viewer. The C++ generated code
was incorrect for passing arrays as a function argument. Special
thanks to Thomas Takach for reporting it.
- Fixed a few mistranslations for Polish. Special thanks to Tomasz Biliński
for reporting it.
- Fixed a few mistranslations for Portuguese. Special thanks
to Nuno Queirós Rodrigues for reporting it.
- Fixed a input flaw in the Console Window. It was possible to
enter a real number for an integer variable (and the variable would
act like a real).
Version 3.3.1 (August 17, 2022)
- Hungarian translation was updated! Bernát Péter sent an updated version of his translation
- Afrikaans translation was updated! E.J.P Kotzé sent an updated version of his translation.
- Fixed a cosmetic bug where two successive comments are not aligned.
Version 3.3 (August 9, 2022)
- Very minor tweaks - all of which are nearly invisible.
- Source Code Viewer
- Improved the JavaScript generated code. The code wasn't casting
the input from the keyboard using Number() or Boolean(). Special
thanks to Alexsander for letting me know.
- Improved the C++ generated code. The code wasn't including
<iomanip> if ToFixed() was defined. Also, the constant M_PI
was misspelled (lowercase m). Special thanks to Misheel
Tubshinbaatar for letting me know.
- The Choose Color Scheme window will never apply the color
scheme to itself. This will allow the user to select a new scheme even
if the current one makes text unreadable. For example, the user could
create a scheme with a black background and black text.
- The disabled text color, in the menus, is now created by the
application rather than relying on Windows.
- Many of the function-key mappings were changed. Now, F9 - F12 will
open the Variable Watch, Console, Turtle Graphics, and Source Code
Viewer windows respectively.
Version 3.2 (July 28, 2022)
- Bug fixes:
- Any edits to the program will cause it to stop. Before, it was
possible to edit a program without stopping it (under a very
specific situation). This resulted in an exception being
- If an error occurred when the program was not in full-run mode,
it caused as rather terrible bug.
- When exporting a bitmap image, a line was being drawn on the
very top of the image.
- If the Run button is pressed on any of the child windows, the
Z-order will not change anymore. This was an annoyance for users.
- More menu items are now disabled when a program is running. These
are features that should only be used if the system is idle.
- In the Choose Color Scheme Window, the "apply scheme to all windows"
was moved under the schemes list.
- Source Code Viewer
- Lua generated source code was improved.
- C# generated source code was improved.
- Python generated source code improved for turtle graphics. When
the turtle moves home, Python will draw unless the pen is up.
Version 3.1.4 (July 16, 2022) - Minor update
- The scaling of the new windows were fixed. This is a minor GUI flaw
where the windows were not as large as needed.
- The icon were updated to contain higher resolution images. They
should look far better than before.
Version 3.1.3 (July 12, 2022) - Minor update
- The Choose Color Scheme was made slightly bigger.
- The Chinese translation was updated slightly. - special thanks
to Janus She.
- An "clear window" button was added to the Turtle Graphics Windows.
This will allow instructors to clear the screen for presentations.
- The Auto Layout feature was improved slightly.
Version 3.1.2 (June 27, 2022)
- Fixed a bug with functions. The return variable name wasn't setting
correctly. Special thanks to
Roberto Atzori for reporting it.
Version 3.1 (June 26, 2022)
- Catalan translation was updated! Roger Calders
Jordana sent an updated version of his translation.
- The windows are now automatically brought to front when Run or Step is
- Minor GUI tweaks:
- Updated the Export to Vector window. It how now displays two
radio buttons for EMF and SVG. These aren't really necessary since the
dropdown on the file dialog allows either to be chosen. However, it
does make it easier to choose an option (or, at least, know there are two
- Updated the icons.
- Program templates improved
- New! Python code now generates valid Turtle Graphics and files.
Special thanks to Damian Burrin for his help.
- IBO source code was updated. Variable names are now capitalized.
- Lua source code was updated. It now generates valid file IO
- C# and Visual Basic .NET was updated. It now generates
valid file IO code.
- All templates now contain a comment indicating if they will wont
produce valid Turtle Graphics and/or file IO code.
- Bug Fixes:
- The Edit Function Window wasn't allow changes to be applied (and
could cause an error). The bug shouldn't have made it into
production. Special thanks to Ian Hollender for reporting it.
- The Turtle Graphics window wasn't drawing the full line if the
turtle moved forward and then immediately backwards. The bug was
caused by (quite incorrectly) merging the drawing commands. Special thanks to Petr Vaněček and
Roberto Atzori.
- The Source Code Generator wasn't producing valid code. It was a
rather careless mistake on my end. Special thanks to
Damian Burrin.
- There was a bug when exporting vectors that, sometimes, called
the alignments to be off slightly.
Version 3.0.1 to Version 3.0.3 (June 20, 2022)
- Fixed a few translation errors and a bug - special thanks to
Roberto Atzori!
- Various minor (and nearly unnoticeable) tweaks.
Version 3.0.0 (June 18, 2022) - Major Update
- Added support for Latvian - Special thanks to Aldis
- New! Turtle Graphics were added. Flowgorithm can
now display Turtle Graphics. This is similar, and inspired by, the
classic LOGO Programming Language. Students will be able to use
programming concepts to create images.
- New! Basic file I/O support was added. Flowgorithm
can now read (and write) basic text documents.
- The Variable Watch Window was revamped.
- New! The window can now display the stack. This
will be helpful for teaching students about function calls,
recursion, and, possibly, the concept of activation records.
- New! The window can now display labels that
designate the source of a variable. It will put variables into
groups labeled "parameters" and "local variables".
- Color schemes were improved.
- New! Color schemes can now be applied to the
entire application. So, Flowgorithm can have a dark theme, light theme, or
any color - for that matter. The picture below shows Cyberspace color theme
applied to all windows..
- Updated. The Color Scheme Editor was updated to
handle the new colors (for fields, controls, etc...)
- New! Flowgorithm can now automatically arrange the
windows. This is similar to the Arrange Windows button, but will
activate automatically anytime a window is opened or closed. The toggle
button is located on the main toolbar.
- The application now has 4 run speeds: full, fast, medium, and slow.
The speed "full" acts the same as "fast" did in Version 2.
- The Breakpoint Shape now supports conditional expressions. In the
last version, the Breakpoint Shape always pauses execution. The new
version can now use a conditional expression - if needed.
- Printer Window was revamped. The user can now select multiple
functions to be printed.
- The About Window was revamped.
- Export Image/Vector Windows were revamped. The controls were
Version 2.30.3 (August 1, 2021) - Minor update
- The Variable Watch Window, if opened from the Console, will
automatically align to the right of it.
- The Console, Variable Watch, and Source Code windows now display
quicker - especially when using the Layout Windows feature.
- Most Recently Used List is now updated on save. The Most Recently
Used list is located in the File Menu
- Tools Menu was reordered slightly. They now match the order of the
toolbar icons. This is completely cosmetic and I doubt many will notice.
- The input box in the Console Window was updated slightly. The size
of the text now zooms with the output panel.
- Bug fix: The Variable Watch Window was reporting an error if it was
minimized. The bug, while annoying, didn't cause the application to
Version 2.30.2 (July 21, 2021) - Minor update
- The Console Window now displays all numeric results in
non-scientific notation.
- The Main Window and the Variable Watch Window will scroll or zoom
depending on the Control Key. If Control is pressed, the mouse wheel
will cause the windows to zoom in or out. If unpressed, they will scroll
vertically as normal.
- When the Variable Watch Window is opened, it now aligns just right
of the Main Window.
- Updated the toolbar icon for the Variable Watch Window. This version
contains the text "x=" and is designed to look different than the Source
Code Viewer icon.
- Minor bug fix: The Source Code Viewer updates a tad better if flowchart shapes are
Version 2.30.1 (July 20, 2021) - Bug fixes
- This release fixes a number of bugs. Special thanks to Petr
Vaněček for his help. He pointed them out and helped test the
- Bug: Literal real numbers were not working. This was the classic
comma-vs-period issue appearing again.
- Bug: Console Window was allowing a comma-decimal number to be
- Bug: The templates were not casting when storing a real into an
integer. Also, real integers (when small) were not displaying correctly.
It affected the following templates.
Version 2.30 (July 19, 2021)
- The main menu was re-arranged. A new menu item called "Appearance"
was created. All the features that affect how the flowchart/application
appears were moved here.
- The mouse scroll button will now zoom the Main Window and Variable
Watch Window (i.e. the graphical windows).
- Control-0 (zero) will now reset the zoom in the Main Window.
- Application scaling can now also be changed using the keyboard.
Control+Shift+Plus will increase the scale and Control-Shift-Minus will
decrease it.
- The Error Window will now automatically wait (for 5 seconds) if the
same exact error & shape occurs twice. This is designed to force the
student to actually read the window rather than just clicking "Ok".
- Added an "Import" button to Function Manager Window. It will add all
the functions from another Flowgorithm program file. It's similar to the
concept of "include" except the functions will be added to the current
program rather than being linked.
- Fixed a bug that affected Breakpoints. If a breakpoint was the first
shape in program, it would cause the system to crash. Special thanks
to Petr Vaněček for reporting it.
Version 2.29 (May 29, 2021)
- Added support for Tamil - Special thanks to Guru Priya
- The Console Window can now visually show when an Breakpoint was
reached. This will give students a visual cue that their program has
been paused.
- Some toolbar icons were rearranged for consistency.
Version 2.28 (May 7, 2021)
- Added support for Afrikaans - Special thanks to Ernst
- The GUI for "checked" toolbar buttons was changed. Before, the
system was simply drawing a blue rectangle around the button. The
updated version displays a constant light-blue box.
- Various changes were made to make the software work better under
Mono and other forms of emulation. In particular, some of the windows,
what are causing a crash, were fixed. Hopefully, it works far better
- Miscellaneous cosmetic tweaks.
Version 2.27.2 (April 11, 2021)
- The Hebrew Translation was updated - Special thanks to Zeev
Kotzer. The new version works better on Linux and Macintosh under
- Gaddis Pseudocode was updated. It was using parenthesis for array
access rather than square brackets.
- Improved the Auto Pseudocode feature. When using the Source Code
Viewer, the "auto" pseudocode is created directly from the current
translation. It wasn't taking into account newline characters and was
displaying text incorrect (if they were present).
- Some, very minor, cosmetic changes.
Version 2.27.1 (April 9, 2021)
- The Run/Step/Pause/Stop toolbar buttons were updated. The behavior
of the buttons (when they are enabled) is now far more consistent.
- Added a Download Color Scheme icon to the Color Scheme Editor.
- Made some various cosmetic changes (that most won't notice).
Version 2.27.0 (April 4, 2021)
Added support for Hebrew - Special thanks to Zeev
- The application, when first executed, will now attempt to set the translation to the computer's current
culture. This will only happen if the application's registry settings
are not set (both current user and local machine).
- The Download Color Scheme Window was improved
- The tree now follows the right-to-left logic of languages such
as Hebrew, Farsi (Persian) and Arabic.
- A bug was fixed that caused text to be incorrectly displaced for some dialects of
- Change Translation window was improved with a header icon and
description. To make the graphic look decent against a blue background,
the colors of the icon were changed.
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that occurred when the system was running in slow/medium
speed. When the stop button was pressed, the remaining buttons were not
enabled correctly. Thanks to Jose Cardenas for reporting it.
- Fixed a bug that affected expressions. The system was incorrectly
reporting an error if an array was used from within an parenthesized
expression. Thanks to Jose Cardenas for reporting it.
- Fixed a bug in expressions. When a unary minus was used after a
comma, the system was reporting a syntax error. Thanks to Ilya
Volobuev for reporting it.
Version 2.26.0 (March 31, 2021)
- The Download Color Scheme icon was changed. This is a simple
cosmetic change.
- Color Scheme Download window was made larger.
- The Color Scheme Editor was improved.
- Buttons were added for undo/redo
- The Picture Preview box is far larger now.
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed a (very hard to find) bug that caused the application to
hang when executed in a VM. Special thanks to Zeev Kotzer to
helping me track this down!
- Right-click on If-Statement connector (the little circle) was
causing the application to crash. Special thanks to
Deanna Wilborne.
- When running the application on medium or slow speed, the program
were automatically restarting. Special thanks to
Deanna Wilborne and Marty Port for letting me know.
- Precedence levels for Unicode operators wrong in a few cases.
- The Source Code Viewer was not resetting the current line, if a
new flowchart was loaded.
Older Updates