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Download Flowgorithm

Windows Installer

The following contains the Windows Installer for Flowgorithm. It is highly recommended that you select this option.

Flowgorithm 4.5
Windows 64-bit Installer (Recommended)

If the link above doesn't work, please disable your pop-up blocker or click here.

Executable Only

However, if you need the executable only, then use the link below. Note: file types will not be registered.

Flowgorithm 4.5
Windows 64-bit. Executable Only

If the link above doesn't work, please disable your pop-up blocker or click here.

Color Schemes

Schemes can be downloaded automatically by Flowgorithm.

However, if you like, you can also download all the color schemes in one zip file. Color schemes can be dragged and dropped onto the application.

Download all schemes

Example Programs

There are more example programs on the Documentation page.

Old Version of Flowgorithm

The following are links to older versions of Flowgorithm. The new version can load (and save) files in Version 2's format.

Flowgorithm 2.30
Windows 64-bit Installer

The following is the older 32-bit version.

Flowgorithm 2.30
Windows 32-bit installer


For System Administrators

If you are System Administrator, the following page contains information on how Flowgorithm uses the Windows Registry. You can set global defaults for all users.

Please click here for the documentation.